August 2023

What depression feels like

Feeling sad, helpless, and disinterested in life can be a normal feeling as we face life every day. For some people, this feeling is temporary and goes away in a short time. However, feeling this way daily and for a long time may be a sign you could be depressed. Could you be wondering what depression feels like? Stay with me.

How to be More Confident

Life presents us with circumstances that cause us to doubt ourselves and our abilities. Have you ever been in a situation where you have to do a task or go for something and you feel incapable? This happens to people all the time. This calls you to be more confident, it is non-negotiable.

7 Simple Ways to Improve Your Focus for Increased Productivity

While defining focus is simple, taking actionable steps to improve your focus can be tasking. This article helps you work around improving your focus so as to hit that target at work and home. Let’s get right into it. Productivity is the ability to get things done within the shortest time possible. Focus is the link that will help you achieve that.