How to get over Love That Never Was: The Flame Up Episode

So glad you joined the productivity crew. But wait, we like romanticizing life here to boost our productivity. To loosen the nuts a bit and relax on a Monday morning. Read the story of when she met her Flame and how it never worked. How to get over is the real deal. Were they meant to be? Will their paths ever cross?

I promise, tomorrow we will get back to seriousness and productivity. Hold on a second.

Falling in love produces the largest amount of adrenaline; not to mention the pain that can come with it sometimes. No one forgets the day they met the love of their lives. But, do you get to hold them down till your last day?

Love escapades can get interesting in two ways: when you get to hold your person down to your last breath and when you see them around, both of you thriving but never sharing the joy of love. It is probably one of the most heartbreaking moments you can have other than losing a loved one.

How Did The Odds Just Play Off?

Going down memory lane just torments her? How come their paths didn’t cross forever? Now forever seems a very long time without her flame. It was meant to be a fairy tale; how come it never came to pass? Did God just sleep on her? How come the good book says He never sleeps nor slumbers?

The math didn’t add up? The wedding never was….. The ring still lies awaiting the Flame… How can life just play nicely for their path to cross- forever this time? Everything was supposed to align, their path crossed never for too long. Both Flames are thrown into depression. How does her flame move on?

This where he lost the grip? He gave up too early. Jaber never cooperated because a breakup was eating her up! She had no room for love, not another man to wound her. So she played safe, and the Flame gave up on her. This was short-lived though when he got back to his senses, she was gone.. almost due.

How Broken Could the Flame Be?

Love hurts deeply, the belly was an outright betrayal. But wait, how did she hurt him? He ran away, too hurt to look at her. He felt like he lost her forever! When the Flame shares the story today, both burst into tears. It hurts so bad and feels like losing a million-dollar deal. But, is it?

The Love Lingers Around

Time flew, and endless years of pain and doubt in their separate relationships. They say time heals, but not for her and her flame. The thought they could be in Greece enjoying life kills them. The thought that somehow the universe could bring them together keeps them going.

Love lingers, fresh each time they view a status, post on Instagram or even call each other. Not even Dr. Love can help. She dreams of a fairy tale wedding… how about that ring on the finger? Does life have to be full of trouble? Will she meet her forever love?

Maybe.. but she is entangled in a situation! It gets messy each day. The Flame is ready and willing anytime but the chains keep getting stronger. It is the fear of losing. It’s the insanity that can come with the decision. What happened to follow your heart?

Taking The Leap of Faith

Jenny knows what is right for her. She stands in her way… one thing that’s true for her is- time is God’s time. Jenny will one day decide to do the right thing and take a bold step. But as it is, she stresses over love, which is far-fetched—a fairy tale held by her decision and a blissful future tied to her decisions.

How To Get Over Someone You Love but Never Dated

Getting over someone you never dated but love can be challenging, as the emotional and physical intimacy may create complex feelings. Here are ten points to help navigate this situation:

  1. Acknowledge Your Feelings: Recognize and validate your emotions. It’s normal to feel a range of emotions, including confusion, sadness, or frustration.
  2. Set Boundaries: If possible, limit contact with the person to give yourself space to heal. This might include unfollowing them on social media or avoiding places where you might run into them.
  3. Reflect on the Relationship: Understand the nature of your connection. Reflecting on why the relationship was primarily physical can help you gain perspective and clarity.
  4. Focus on Self-Care: Prioritize activities that nurture your well-being. Engage in hobbies, exercise, and spend time with supportive friends and family.
  5. Avoid Overthinking: Resist the urge to dwell on “what-ifs” or potential future scenarios. Focus on the present and what you can control.
  6. Accept It as a Learning Experience: View the experience as a lesson. Understand what you want and don’t want in future relationships.
  7. Express Your Emotions: Talk to a trusted friend or therapist about your feelings. Sometimes verbalizing your thoughts can provide relief and new insights.
  8. Redirect Your Energy: Invest time in personal growth and new experiences. Learning new skills or setting new goals can be a productive distraction.
  9. Be Patient with Yourself: Healing takes time. Be kind to yourself and understand that moving on is a process that doesn’t happen overnight.
  10. Consider the Bigger Picture: Remind yourself that this is one chapter in your life. There are many opportunities ahead for meaningful connections and personal fulfilment.

What is your love story? Are you happy where you are? Do you have a Flame that ignites you from a distance? Tell your story…. How did you get over a lost love?

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