Million-Dollar Dream Productivity Tips

Are you a mom who struggles with productivity? Do you make a to-do list, purpose to follow it in vain? There are so many of us. Nothing breaks my heart so much like when I wake up in high spirits to deliver. To deliver to my clients and myself too. What productivity tools make you focus? I have some suggestions for you for your million-dollar dream. Come with me.

Based on what I struggle with as a mom working at home, it is paramount for me to work on distractions. I have a plan and it is working for me and it can for you too.

What is the Plan to Improve Focus?

I am working on reviewing my goals. Someone told me and it is true, you cannot purport to have a dream and you have not planned on how to get there. I have a big million-dollar dream.. baseline, to become a millionaire. I took the bold steps to bring my dreams to life through the following steps:

1.       I made a Plan

We all have plans, but, will it take you there? To your millionaire dream. The first step is to have a plan that is SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-Bound). Be keen to set specific objectives that will lead you to your big goal a.k.a dream. Narrow down the generalization path.

Secondly, make your plan and goals Measurable– how will you measure how far you are in achieving your dream? What are the indicators that you are moving in the right direction? Are your objectives/plans Achievable?

This is the point where you call your mind to a meeting, look at all resources surrounding you and ask if they will take you to your dream.

They could be time, money, health, manpower and the like. Resources should not limit you, if they are a challenge, strategize on how to harness for more. All things are possible, just believe and start.

Fourthly, make the plan Relevant– your objectives, and strategies for getting resources should be related to your plan and goal.

Finally, make it Time-bound. A plan without a deadline and vague is meaningless.

One of my biggest challenges has been having big dreams and goals without a plan. I never for the life in me sat down to put it on paper. In 2024, I purposed to have a plan, making small steps, and things are moving more quickly than ever.

2.       Started Pursuing Financial Literacy

Knowledge is power! This power only belongs to us if we read. I embarked on financial literacy and purchased my first 5 books on finances. You see, I desire success but for me, it’s far-fetched if I do not work on my financial weaknesses.

My first book wasThe Millionaire Fastlane by MJ Demarco’. Oh boy, that book blew my mind! I could not notice the length as it consumed me to the core. It was pointing out my mistakes in every chapter.

I even set up a YouTube channel just to document my lessons there. You can check it out. I stepped out of my comfort zone and feared blowing up the stereotypes I had about money and unearth the problem. This book is an awesome place to start from.

I am now on my second book ‘Million Dollar Weekend by Noah Kagan’ Let me tell you a little bit about it- It is an action-based book. It has forced me to come up with a million-dollar dream business idea which I plan to work on in a weekend.

For me, it has to be SaaS (Software-As-A-Service). My path to passive income. What would be your million-dollar idea if you had a weekend to work on it and make $1000 even before launching the business? It is a great challenge that I highly recommend you jump into. Check the review from My YouTube Channel, ‘The Future Fastlane Millionaire’

3.       Tracking How Productive I am

I chose to measure how effective I am by checking in on myself daily. Did I achieve all that I planned to do in a day? I have failed many times- I always accept when I fail and give myself a little bit of grace.

While you may be sad when you fail to meet your threshold, keep going. Refocus, do what takes you out of your comfort zone. I do not need any supervision to achieve my daily goals-personal discipline is the mantra.

4.       Outlined My Path to Becoming a Millionaire

Having a plan helps you categorically state Your path to wealth as outlined by Demarco. This helps you draw the things and businesses you have to do to get there. Be ready to fail and arise again when it happens. Take failure as a blessing and a lesson. Do not dwell on it no matter how much pain it causes you.


This plan may be personal but settle on a business that has large profit margins. Businesses with small profit margins will take you there but it can take an entire time to get there. Go for real estate, stocks, Software business etc. Be unique and ask people for help and guidance whenever it is needed. Have a mentor and ask for business deals without fearing rejection.

5.       I am fighting to Overcome Imposter Syndrome

I have struggled with the thought that I don’t deserve a lot for the longest time. Reading financial literacy books is training me to go out there and ask for anything I want. I do this with the view that rejection is desirable. Out of the many rejections, I get a yes at some point and that lightens my heart.

Also, I just started therapy. To face all traumas that made me think I am not worthy of good things especially if I am working hard towards them.

6.       Working on My Spirituality

While matters of spirituality are personal, looking up to supernatural beings to guide you cannot be ignored. Just being able to look up to Him for encouragement, insight and strength cannot be underestimated.

7.       Focusing on Health

The 30s have a way of reminding you of how age is catching up with you. The late 30s will make think you are already in menopause as the hormones disorganize you daily. Eating right, drinking water, taking supplements and exercising have been great at boosting my productivity.

I can now focus and work for long hours with breaks in between.


What has been stopping you from focusing and working towards becoming a millionaire? Share it in the comments. Also, kindly tick the box after the comment to receive notifications each time I post. There you go, a plan to boost your productivity to your million-dollar dream.

Also, you can reach out to me through email for business (Contact Us). I am working on an App that will help you solve your problems as far as scheduling, to-do lists, focus and productivity. Let me know if you would like such an App in the comments.

Cheers to more productive days ahead.

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