9 Brain Power and Memory-boosting Foods for Productivity

As an engine is to a car, so is the brain to the body. Your brain determines how your body runs and your memory patterns. Taking care of your brain largely depends on the foods you take to boost your brain power and memory.

The brain thrives by natural nourishment and not magic pills as it is at times assumed. Taking foods that nourish the brain helps improve mental functions such as focus, memory, and concentration.

How the Brain Works

The brain is a network of thousands of nerves that are linked to every body organ. If the brain is operating effectively, these nerves send communication to the organs in very short time intervals.

We operate on the signals sent to these organs by the brain. Foods that boost the brain and memory power keep you alert, active, and energetic. Everything operates from the brain.

Here are some recommended foods for you to boost your brain power and memory. This article delves into the specifics of how foods help grow a healthy brain and powerful memory.

These foods Boost your Brain Power and Memory


Blue berries are not the yummiest of berries but they have immense health benefits. Blueberries are packed with anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidants.

These antioxidants help reduce the effects of oxidative stress on the brain and the inflammation that comes with it. They are also known to slow down the aging process of brain cells.

More so, a specific species of antioxidants gets a home in the brain and accumulates over time improving how brain cells operate.

Children and adults should eat these berries often. Eat them more when in season to help accumulate these antioxidants in the brain. By so doing, the brain has a reserve for rainy days when they are out of season.

Fatty Fish

Fatty/oily fish is rich in omega-3 fatty acids that help rejuvenate body cells. Consuming fatty fish frequently helps build brain cells also known as neurons.

Rejuvenated cells perform better which boosts brain power and memory. Research conducted in 2017 shows that when people eat oily fish, there is an improved flow of blood flow to the brain.

This was directly linked to improved thinking and cognitive functions in the brain. Children showed improved performance in play, creative, and academic activities when they ate oil fish.

Salmon is one of the most common types of oily fish Americans consume. Mackerel, Herring, Tuna, and Sardines are among the fatty fish choices you can make. Omega-3 supplements have also for a long time played this role.

Coffee and Tea

Whenever I am mentally stuck and unable to concentrate and time does not allow for a nap; I grab a cup of coffee or green tea. Some people complain of headaches and dullness whenever they skip their cup of tea in the morning.

Tea and coffee contain caffeine that blocks the sleep chemical, adenosine, which makes you sleepy. This enhances your ability to focus by boosting alertness.

Additionally, caffeine contains some antioxidants that slow down the aging process of brain cells. This reduces the chances of developing a stroke and a decline in cognitive ability.

Coffee should however be consumed with caution even as we aim to focus on our tasks. Doctors’ advice is not to take coffee after midday since it can affect your sleep schedule. Take coffee and tea in moderation only when you need to focus and in the appropriate time frame.

Nuts and Seeds

Nuts and seeds are known to give a good energy boost whenever you need to snack healthy. Most nuts and seeds contain antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids found in oily fish.

Apart from the antioxidants, nuts, and seeds contain a good amount of Vitamin E. Vitamin E is an antioxidant that helps with the effects of free radicals on the human brain. Free radicals cause oxidative stress as people age.

Hazelnuts, almonds, peanuts, and pine nuts are some of the nuts with the highest vitamin E value. Sunflower seeds have the highest Vitamin E value followed closely by sunflower and pumpkin seeds.


I love my rice, lentils, and stew some turmeric. Turmeric is a deep yellow spice that has gained popularity in the recent past. Recent research shows that turmeric has wonderful benefits for the brain.

Turmeric: Courtesy Pixabay

Turmeric: Courtesy PixaBay

The main ingredient in turmeric is curcumin, an oxidant that helps clean and build up brain cells. It is able to cross the blood-brain barrier, enter brain cells and nourish them.

Turmeric helps boost your memory since it has been found to improve memory power in people with Alzheimer’s condition. Additionally, curcumin helps improve the moods of people suffering from depression. Curcumin helps produce dopamine and serotonin.

When combined with antidepressants, turmeric helps boost the mood and helps depressed people heal faster.

Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate is known for raising your moods immediately. In dark chocolate, you find many antioxidants like flavonoids, caffeine, and cocoa.

Flavonoids, being the dominant antioxidant, boost your memory, and brain power slowing your aging process. Dark chocolate boosts your mood more than white chocolate because of the 70% of cocoa in it.

Dark Chocolate: Courtesy Pixabay

Dark Chocolate: Courtesy Pixabay

Antioxidant flavonoid has been shown by research to slow down the aging process in snails. It may have the same effects on humans though this is yet to be tested in humans.

Whole Grains

We all love the freshness and ‘healthy eating’ whenever you take grains or cereal as part of your breakfast menu. Whole grains are packed with Vitamin E which is needed to rebuild brain cells.

Whole bread, barley: Courtesy of Pixabay

Add cereal, barley, oatmeal, brown rice, and whole-grain bread to your breakfast menu. Enjoy the clarity, calmness, and freshness of the brain that comes with Vitamin E in them.


Broccoli is packed with antioxidants that are powerful in boosting memory and rebuilding brain cells. Among them is Vitamin K which readily dissolves in fat to form sphingolipids, a type of fat.

This fat type is packed in brain cells and helps with boosting memory and cushions the brain against brain damage.


Oranges contain vitamin C which is an excellent antioxidant. It is known for fighting free radicals that could lead to oxidative stress,

Additionally, vitamin C helps fight depression since it prevents brain decline. It helps a lot with fighting anxiety disorders by relaxing the mind when tension strikes.

Final Thoughts

Your productivity levels largely depend on how active and alert your brain is. Focusing on increasing the above-mentioned foods in your diet helps rebuild brain cells reducing brain decline.

In case you strain getting these foods, you can ask your doctor/ nutritionist to recommend the best supplements in the market.

6 thoughts on “9 Brain Power and Memory-boosting Foods for Productivity”

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